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Short-term study groups are offered throughout the year and meet at various times and days to accommodate differing schedules, including Sundays during the Sunday School hour at 9 a.m.


Groups cover numerous topics, ranging from Old Testament Bible study to current events and their relation to Biblical principles.


All of the small groups welcome guests and new participants. For more information about any group currently being offered, check your weekly Sunday bulletin or monthly newsletter. We will also post about new groups that are forming on this page.


AA (year-round in the Fellowship Hall)

8 p.m. Wednesdays




Models Club (year round)


7 p.m. on the 1st Saturday

3 p.m. on the 3rd Saturday of the month





With the constantly changing recommendations from the CDC regarding the number of people allowed to meet to help contain COVID-19, and for the safety of our participants in these groups, our weekday & evening outside groups meeting in the church have been postponed until further notice. Please look for updates on social media outlets.

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